Some Experts on Viruses NYT Crossword Clue & Answers

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Some Experts on Viruses NYT
Some Experts on Viruses NYT

Introduction to the New York Times Crossword Puzzle

The New York Times Crossword Puzzle offers a stimulating challenge with clues that test your knowledge and creativity. One clue that might intrigue solvers is “Some experts on viruses.” The answer is a term referring to individuals with expertise in the field of virology. Let’s explore this clue and uncover its possible answers!

The Clue: Some Experts on Viruses

The clue “Some experts on viruses” points to a term describing professionals who specialize in the study of viruses. The answer is a term associated with these specialists.

Possible Answers

VIROLOGISTS: The term VIROLOGISTS fits the clue perfectly. Virologists are scientists who study viruses and their impact on living organisms. They are the experts in understanding viral infections and developing treatments.

EPIDEMIOLOGISTS: Although not exclusively focused on viruses, EPIDEMIOLOGISTS also deal with the study of diseases, including viral infections. They analyze patterns, causes, and effects of health conditions in populations.

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Joy of Wordplay in Puzzles

The joy of wordplay in puzzles lies in the challenge of decoding clever clues and uncovering hidden meanings. Solving puzzles sharpens your problem-solving skills and enhances your vocabulary. Additionally, each clue you crack offers a satisfying moment of insight, making the experience both enjoyable and rewarding.

Tips for Solving NYT Crossword Clues

To enhance your crossword-solving skills, try these strategies:

  • Use a pencil: This allows for corrections and adjustments as you solve the puzzle.
  • Think creatively: Consider different characteristics or traits that fit the clue’s description.
  • Utilize intersecting clues: The answers to other clues can provide valuable hints and confirm your guesses.


The clue “Some experts on viruses” leads to possible answers like VIROLOGISTS and EPIDEMIOLOGISTS. These terms describe professionals with expertise in the study of viruses and diseases. Solving such clues not only sharpens your crossword skills but also enhances your knowledge in various fields.

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